FREE Online Vision Tests

Another way Hubble makes contacts easy. Existing subscriber? Renew your contact lens subscription on your phone in minutes from the comfort of your own home..

You know how it goes with eye tests...

You go to order more contacts, only to find you need to schedule an in-office vision test to renew your contact lens prescription online (that’s an every year thing FYI). Hubble simplifies this process by offering our customers free online vision tests for contact lens prescription renewals. No need to go to the doctor to renew your prescription. Get it online, from home, for free, in 10 minutes or less. It’s that easy!

Here’s How It Works


A free online eye exam vision test for contacts

In under 10 minutes. Via your device. With 90% of prescriptions delivered in 24 hours.

Here’s What You’ll Need

Your Smartphone, Tablet, or Computer

No app needed! You take the test right from your device.

10 Feet of Space

Back it up! Stand around 10 feet from your screen so we can accurately measure your vision.

Most Recent Prescription

Come prepared! Your previous prescription with Hubble is required.

Need to visit the eye doctor?

Our free online vision test is not meant to replace a comprehensive eye exam, or provide you with your first vision prescription. But, don’t worry, we can help you find an eye care professional in your area.


Got questions about our online vision test? We've got answers.

Good news! You probably have everything you need right in your home.

  • 10 feet of space
  • A smartphone, tablet, or computer
  • Your prescription for your current correction

And remember, you need to wear your current lenses throughout the online vision test.

Vision Tests: Hubble vs. Doctor’s Office

HubbleDoctor’s Office
Time spent
Time spent
10 minutes
Time spent
1 hour + travel
Free! This one is on us
Doctor reviewed
Doctor reviewed
Doctor reviewed
When can you do it?
When can you do it?
When can you do it?
9 am - 5 pm
From the comfort of your home
At an actual office
You can access your prescription anywhere, anytime
A paper copy only
All you need is your smartphone and a computer to get started
Find the time. Make the appointment. Get to the appointment. Wait. Have the appointment. Travel back home
Your Rx is automatically connected to your Hubble order
You have to manually enter in your prescription

*The vision test can be taken from anywhere there is an internet connection available, including the comfort of your own home. Currently, the states in which the vision test can be completed include: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, HI, IA, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, and WY.